This website would not have been possible without the generous contributions of numerous preparators and others professionals in the field of paleontology. Contributions that are available for full download are attributed.
There are however, many others who generously submitted material, images, documents, manuscripts and other work that contributed to the final content seen on this site. We are grateful for their collegial contributions.
John Flynn, Chris Norris, Jeanne Kelly, Amy Davidson, Rachael Perkins Arenstein
By Section
Much of the content of these pages was drawn from the work of Paul Brinkman (North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences).
- Marilyn Fox (Yale Peabody Museum)
- Charles R. Schaff (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard)
- Amy Davidson (American Museum of Natural History)
- Text and input were primarily drawn from the work of Amy Davidson and Marilyn Fox with additional contributions from American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) staff.
- Dr. William Harcourt-Smith (AMNH) and Dr. Jessica A. Maisano, (University of Texas, Austin) contributed to the section on non-invasive prep
- Documents or supplemental download material were submitted by Marilyn Fox, Amy Davidson, Peter Parks, Scott Madsen (Utah Geological Survey), J.P. Cavigelli (Tate Geological Museum), Dr. Robert Evander (AMNH), Carlos B. Padilla & Mary Luz Parra (Fundación Colombiana de Geobiología ), Jonathan Thornton (Buffalo State College), William F. Simpson (Field Museum), Carl Mehling (AMNH), Greg Brown (University of Nebraska State Museum), Velson Horie, Bruce Crowley (Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture), Christian Sidor (Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture)
- Text and input were primarily drawn from the work of Amy Davidson, Marilyn Fox, and Ivy Rutzky (AMNH).
- Assets were contributed by Lisa Kronthal (AMNH) and Christina Bisulca (AMNH), and Greg Brown
Follow the Specimen
- Amy Davidson, Ana Balcarcel (AMNH), and Justy Alicea (AMNH)
Tools & Resources
Contributions were received from Amy Davidson, Marilyn Fox, Dr. Robert Evander (AMNH), Scott Madsen, Matt Brown (University of Texas, Austin), Heather Finlayson (Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum)
By Contributor
Samantha Alderson (American Museum of Natural History)
- Revealing - Adhesives & Consolidants
Justy Alicea (American Museum of Natural History)
- Follow the Specimen
Ana Balcarcel (American Museum of Natural History)
- Follow the Specimen
Paul Brinkman (North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences)
- History
Greg Brown (University of Nebraska State Museum)
- Revealing - Adhesives & Consolidants
- Studying – Molding and casting
Matt Brown (University of Texas, Austin)
- Tools & Resources - Health and safety, How to become a preparator
J.P. Cavigelli (Tate Geological Museum)
- Revealing – Materials and Mechanical techniques
Bruce Crowley (Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture)
- Revealing
Amy Davidson (American Museum of Natural History)
- All sections
Dr. Robert Evander (American Museum of Natural History)
- History
- Revealing – Chemical techniques
- Studying – Molding & Casting, Exhibition
- Tools & Resources - Glossary
Heather Finlayson (Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum)
- Tools & Resources - Health & Safety
Marilyn Fox (Yale Peabody Museum)
All sections but with notable contributions to:
- Collecting – Preparing for the Field and Collecting in the field
- Revealing – Lab infrastructure, Equipment & Tools, Materials, Chemical techniques
- Studying – Molding & Casting
- Tools & Resources – Bibliography, How to become a preparator
Dr. William Harcourt-Smith (American Museum of Natural History)
- Revealing - Non-invasive preparation techniques
Velson Horie (U.K. Conservation Consultant)
- Revealing – Adhesives & Consolidants
Steve Jabo (National Museum of Natural History)
Scott Madsen (Utah Geological Survey)
- Revealing – Mechanical techniques
- Tools & Resources - Health and safety, How to become a preparator
Dr. Jessica A. Maisano (University of Texas, Austin)
- Revealing – Non-invasive preparation
Carl Mehling (American Museum of Natural History)
- Collecting - Jackets
Peter Parks (Portland, Oregon)
Christian Sidor (Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture)
- Revealing
Johnathan Thornton (Buffalo State College)
- Revealing – Adhesives & Consolidants
Ivy Rutzky (American Museum of Natural History)
- Studying - Rehousing
Charles R. Schaff (Museum of Comparative Zoology)
- Collecting – Collecting in the field
William F. Simpson (Field Museum)
- Revealing – Lab infrastructure